In recent years, the world of construction has been advancing by leaps and bounds thanks to the development of technologies, capable of generating engineering works unthinkable just two decades ago. In particular, the area of land diagnosis has been one of the most studied, providing society with techniques and tools for soil evaluation that have become indispensable in a short time.
Geo technical studies are not only a fundamental phase for any engineering work, but a mandatory procedure and standardized by the competent legislation in all countries. The evaluation of the land provides the keys of the nature and the state of the soil, thus allowing to make appropriate decisions and on the side of safety. Two of the most important features of the terrain are density and humidity, factors that give clues about the type of soil, the water table, the existence of underground rivers and, after all, the stability and structural capacity of the land. For this reason, the most popular instrument to carry out this task is the nuclear densimeter, capable of providing this data thanks to the ionizing radiation emitted.
Nuclear decimeters
The technology of the nuclear decimeters has been developed for several years by specialized laboratories in the evaluation of the land. For example, the leading construction company Instrotek Calibration offers a wide range of products according to the needs of each client. These portable devices work both in retro-transmission, when the layer to be diagnosed is not too thick, and in direct transmission, a method used when a deeper study is required. This last function involves a certain level of risk due to the emission of radioactivity, which is why the regular maintenance and calibration of the instrument is of extreme importance.
Maintenance of nuclear decimeters
The calibration of the nuclear decimeters is a fundamental aspect for the proper functioning of the device, since with the passage of time it is losing precision, something that can generate calculation problems, which in the worst case can end up in large cost overruns. But this is not the only danger that involves a poor maintenance of the device, and is that given the danger of the system with which it works, the risks to the operator can increase considerably in case of malfunction.
How to choose the right repair and calibration service
Although the companies supplying products have an important role in this aspect, much more relevant are those that provide maintenance services for the instrument, since these will be present throughout the useful life of the device. When choosing which company to entrust such task, it is important to assess the type of repairs carried out. A good supplier will always carry out, at least, a complete mechanical inspection, including signal adjustment extended electronic inspection, replacement of parts in poor condition and leakage tests with each calibration. A good example is Phoenix Calibration, a company accredited with ISO / IEC 17025 that also works with all types of nuclear decimeter models: Troxler, Instrotek, Humboldt.
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